User-friendly car spray for all types of cars. Protecting the car from bacteria and microorganisms. Spray on steering, dashboard , handles , gear stick and all interior parts of the car. Leave it for 15 minutes to dry and allow to form a protective layer. If spotting occurs, wipe with moist cloth or sponge.
1- Bacteria can grow in food spills and suspects the dashboard was the most germ-laden location, because it is one of the warmest places in the car and has ventilation systems on either side that can aerate spores.
2- The cars are the moldiest of all forms of transportation, probably because their interiors get cleaned less frequently. If you are sensitive to mold, your car might trigger an allergic reaction.
3- Wather a car is teeming with germs also depends on where you live. Climates that are warmer and more humid produce more bacteria, because the cars interior acts like sauna, while cold and damp conditions mimic refrigeration inside and automobile amd encourage the growth of mold.
When you use DPShield on the surface of your dash board panel where electronic systems are placed, please apply a fine mist, or a minimal amount and only when the equipment is switched off and do make sure, it is completely dry before switching it on.